Saturday, April 18, 2015

So Proud!

We are unbelievably proud of this little guy right here and the look on his face shows how proud he is of himself too! Our little 4 year old, super active, super talkative, nonstop moving munchkin sat down in his room all by himself and put together this puzzle with no help from us at all!!! I was shocked! There have been times where he has started the puzzle and just stopped because of boredom but I'm so glad he gave it another try!

Elaina has a few puzzles and she still hasn't ever put them together and gives up in frustration. I told Kenny I was really surprised that he put his together before her. Now we are gonna get the puzzle glue and frame it up in his room and then get him a new puzzle! I definitely want to keep this up if its something he's interested in and proud of! Plus it totally teaches him a large amount of skills such as: Memory, hand-eye coordination, gross and fine motor skills, patience, etc. Gosh I really can't explain how proud we are <3

Well I know this is short but I'm blogging from my cell lol so it's a bit difficult plus its during break at work and I need to eat as I sit next to my amazingly sexy husband :) Hope y'all are enjoying the weekend!

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