Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Everything is Fine

I know it's been a few weeks but everything is fine lol. We've just been so busy around the house that I haven't really had the time to sit down and blog about all of it. Let's see... first things first, we had the baby shower! My lovely friends all came and it was perfect! They really went all out and I didn't expect such generous gifts. I'm really happy I could share such a memory with all of them <3 So that was the first day of Spring Break... on Tuesday my parents came over and we attacked the extra room so that Elaina could move in it by the end of the day and we totally accomplished that. They are finally separated and it is amazing. The house is quieter, there is less bickering and tattling and now Elaina gets to learn to play by herself which apparently she hates. They are allowed to play together outside and when they are coloring in the kitchen or when we have game nights... but other than that we've kept them apart. Elaina thinks she needs Jacob with her to have fun and we are trying to get her to realize that she doesn't and hopefully build some independence and confidence within her. *good luck to us* After we feel that she understands she doesn't need him to play then we will start letting them play in each others rooms.

Wednesday was our sit back and relax day and to get the house back to clean and organized. Thursday we had out Doctor Appointment and everything was perfect <3 After that we surprised the kids and took them to Pooler Fun Zone, we had a blast! We played in the arcade for awhile and they each won their own tickets and picked out their own prizes. Then we decided to do the go-karts and I'm not sure who enjoyed it more... Kenny or the kids lol. I of course couldn't get on one so Kenny got to drive them both around on the track. They loved it so much! I'm so happy they had a fantastic time!!

Such a busy week but I'm glad we got to spend the time with the kids <3 Now everything is back to smooth sailing around here. We had planned on doing yard work all week but it can't seem to stop raining and when it does the sun isn't out to dry the yard lol. It needs some serious TLC but I think we're going to be able to at least power wash the house today as long as the rain stays away. That'll be one less thing to do once it's sunny out. Alright, well I hear Jacob playing in his bed so it's time to get his little butt up lol. Sit back and enjoy some pictures!

Just a few from the baby shower

Some Fun Zone pictures
Elaina and Kenny
Jacob and Kenny
These are what they picked with their prize tickets!

Our photo booth picture!

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