Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Easter Bunny!

We took the kids to see the Easter Bunny yesterday at our public library. At first they seemed a little nervous about it but once they sat down they were fine lol. Little miss thing was all "I think it's in a costume" ...yeah, we had to hush her up quick. I think she's gonna be the type of kid who stops believing in Santa at an early age. It breaks my heart a little to be honest, she's trying to act grown way to fast and we don't really understand why. Here at our house we have them play with their toys more than anything and to use their imagination... but she even said "I'm getting to old to play with toys." Um, excuse me lol I literally had a 'wtf face' on. She's 6 years old! I have no idea who or what gave her the idea that she's too old for toys but omgosh it makes me mad and sad! She should still want to play with dolls, have fake weddings with stuffed animals, play pretend with anything and everything and yet she thinks she's too "old"?! It literally blows my mind! I mean, she is drawn to crafty things more which is totally fine with me because that's how I was when I was younger however I still played with a doll house and my stuffed animals until I was at least in middle school. *sigh* my rant is over about all of that lol... we will come up with something to reverse that thought process.

Other than that, we got the tooth fairy all set up!
Tada! The official tooth fairy door with a snazzy tooth bucket on the door step! They walked into their room Sunday night and you hear Elaina go "Whoa!" then Jacob got all excited like usual lol. She got $1.50 and the dollar bill has glitter all over it thanks to the hair glitter spray we bought for Halloween lol. She won't always get that much but since it was the first tooth in our house we decided to splurge just a bit. Jacob seemed disappointed that he didn't get anything until we explained to him that once he started loosing teeth he would start getting presents from the tooth fairy as well and that cheered him up quite a bit.

In other news, we've got a pretty busy week planned! Yesterday we went to the library, saw the Easter Bunny, went to the park, and then went to dairy queen. Today we plan on giving them their Easter baskets early since we won't have them on Easter, then we are taking them to go see "Home", and once we get home after the movie I've got a few crafty ideas to try out. Tomorrow we are playing by ear because we don't know if Kenny is working overtime or not but either way we will be having our Easter egg hunt and possibly a game night depending on how they have behaved. Finally on Thursday we plan on decorating eggs and probably playing outside for a bit unless it rains. I'm pretty excited for it and I hope the kids enjoy as well! Welp, that's all I've got for today! Hope everyone has a splendid week!

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