Thursday, March 5, 2015

Planning Ahead

Originally before we found out about baby Beauchamp we had planned on going somewhere this summer but those plans kind of went out the window lol. So, I'm planning ahead for next year! I know it's awhile from now but I would rather be super prepared considering we will have 3 kids at that time. Since our little one will be so young it limits what we can do. I have a few ideas floating around and I'm stuck on whether I want to keep it in Georgia or if we should  plan for Florida. Either way my top 4 ideas are pretty awesome and I know the kids will enjoy themselves. I'm extremely thrilled to start some Family Vacation traditions. We could go somewhere every summer and eventually we can all go to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg!! That is my favorite amusement park! When I lived in North Carolina I would end up there almost every year... if it wasn't a field trip then it would be me and my family. I would love to share that experience with my family now. OH, then we could go to Kenny's dream amusement park at Cedar Point that would have to be once all 3 of the kids were older so then can fully enjoy all the rides.

One good thing about summer vacations is that if baby Beauchamp comes on time then we could incorporate his/her birthday in with the trip! I'm getting excited just thinking about it all! Well, wish me luck as I continue to bookmark and save hotel ideas and ticket prices.

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