Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Good Ol' Dr. Seuss

Busy week!!! As I previously mentioned, it's Cat in the Hat week at Elaina's school. Every day has a different theme so these past few mornings I've been pretty busy getting her perfect for the day. I can't wait until Jacob starts going to school, then I'm gonna have two little ones to get ready, oh and then 5 years later there will be 3!!! I'm actually super excited lol. Here are pictures for the week so far:

Red, white, and blue day
 I was going to get a better picture when she got home from school but she got red jello all over that shirt. LUCKILY we have this super freakin amazing stain remover and the shirt looks brand new after one wash ^_^ 

Oh the places you will go!
'Wear a shirt from somewhere you've been' this one is from Helen, GA. She was pretty much all pinked out which she loved lol. You can't really see it but the capris even have little flower patches on them. This was the day I tried something new with her hair.
Little twists! I actually really liked how it turned out! It kept her bangs out of her face and it lasted all day. With a little practice I can get them a bit tighter which is was I would prefer.

Wacky Clothes and Who Hair Day!
By far my FAVORITE day lol. All last night she kept asking "what are you gonna do to my hair for wacky day" and all I would reply was "it's going to be a surprise, don't worry though, you'll love it" and boy was I right! She was so excited to see the finished product in the mirror. She's got the pipe cleaners in her hair, bows in the back of it, her shirt is on backwards, two different socks, and two different shoes! I love how everything turned out! It's not too crazy but not too normal.

When I was younger I used to get so excited for the "spirit themed" weeks at school and I'm so glad she's sharing the excitement. I don't know how I would feel if it was something she refused to do lol. Tomorrow is "Come as you are" day which makes sense since it's Spring Picture day. She can finally wear her spring dress that we got for her at the beginning of the school year. It's super bright and colorful... I just hope she still fits in her sandals since it's going to be 84 degrees tomorrow. *fingers crossed* If she can't then she's gonna have to wear the sparkly slip ons from the Red, White, and Blue day which is alright since they won't be in the pictures lol.

It's just me and J-bug at the house today; the hubby had to go in for some overtime... it sucks because I miss him :( but the paycheck will be worth it lol. Since he's at work I will be in charge of dinner tonight, which me luck lol because I don't cook and I'm one of the few people in the world who can even screw up ramen. Looks like I'm done here... Curious George is almost over and I'm gonna let him watch one of the Leap Frog shows before his TV time is up so I gotta get in there to set it up. Hope everyone is having an amazing week!

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