Sunday, March 1, 2015

Crafty Idea

I think I'm going to do something like this for the baby and even make some for Elaina and Jacob too to hang over their beds. Kenny and I are going out this week and I think I'm going to try and stop by the craft store and see what I can find. Of course since we don't know the gender I'll be making one that says Lillian and one that says Zachary. I'm excited! I already know for Jacob's I'm going to try and have a car as the accent decoration, we'll see how that goes. I'm just excited to be making something for the baby. Originally I was going to try and paint an owl but I'm not too sure how well that would go lol. It's not like I'm an expert at drawing or painting so that could have been a disaster. 

On a different note, we are all caught up on bills and my student loan is officially paid off! This makes me insanely happy! That ladies and gentlemen is how you should spend your tax money not just spend it on things you don't need. We already have all the money planned out and we are still going to have some left over. I love that Kenny and I agree on finances <3 it makes things so much easier. Yay us lol. Alright, I've got my last load of laundry to do and I should probably get on that. Have a great Sunday everyone!

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