Saturday, February 28, 2015

Yard Sales = Awesome

Today's turnout was great! We had to cut it short because it started to rain but I still managed to pocket close to $80 and my parents more than doubled that with their things. I'm pretty happy about it :) everything else is going to Goodwill now so yay! It's been such a gross day though, it hasn't stopped raining at all! On the bright side my mom and I took a trip to Walmart and I was able to get Elaina a cute white shirt to match her red,white, and blue skirt. I was really surprised to be honest... me and Walmart don't really see eye to eye when it comes to things I need lol. They even had shoes she could wear with the outfit and her dress for Spring pictures! Also, I got a pack of multicolored pipe cleaners for her crazy who hair... I'm excited!!

I've got the whole hair idea in my head and I sure hope it works out. I gotta get her up earlier than usual just so I know I have enough time to prepare and if Kenny ends up working overtime then I also have to get Jacob up too. I hope that morning doesn't destroy me lol. This week is going to be so fun!

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