Friday, February 27, 2015

Pregnancy Symptom

I don't know if I've mentioned this in a previous post but omgosh heartburn is the worst! I've never had heartburn before I was pregnant. I'm serious! The first time it happened I was freakin out and trying to describe it to Kenny and he just looked at me all calm and said "that's just heartburn". I can't believe this is what people experience after almost every meal! I just really hope all of it is a sign that our baby is gonna have a head full of hair once it makes its appearance. On the bright side... Tums are super yummy lol.

In other news, tomorrow is the big yard sale! I'm just happy we are getting the extra room cleared out. I really can't wait until those two have their own room. It's really getting ridiculous how often Elaina tries to tell on Jacob to get him in trouble and how Jacob can't seem to play with his own toys. The change is going to make things much more peaceful around here and I can't wait. I'm also pretty excited to decorate their rooms ^_^ we know that we are going to get new bed covers for them and my parents already helped out on the dressers. They found this amazing deal at a local goodwill and got two dressers for 25 each and I think I'm gonna use some of the yard sale money to pay them back... if any of our stuff sells lol. Other than that I've got a few decorating ideas on Pinterest that I might look at for the rooms. 

Lots to do and plan! Hopefully it all goes well and nothing stresses me out lol. 

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