Thursday, February 26, 2015

Busy Thursday!

My glucose test was today and it was way better than I thought it was going to be. I've heard the opinions from a lot of women on how bad it taste or how thick it is but it wasn't at all like that for me! I didn't find it thick at all and I thought it was actually pretty good, I had the fruit punch flavor ^_^ Anyway, I waited the hour and then they did the blood work so I guess if they find something I'll get a call before my next appointment. I didn't really ask, I'm kinda horrible about that. Oh! I did mention my Braxton Hicks episode and they said it's probably going to happen more often but all I need to do is lay back, relax, and drink a big glass of water. So kudos to all my lady friends who told me to do that Monday night.

Other than that, today was pretty busy. I went to Walmart after the appointment to grab a few things and I started looking around and pricing things for our tax money. When I finally got home Kenny, Jacob, and I had lunch then it was j-bug's nap time... and ours too lol. We all slept until Elaina got off the bus then my dad came over so he could take our things to their house for the yard sale. We ended up getting rid of a ton of things! A lot of my clothes and craft stuff went, tons of the kids smaller clothes, and then there was Kenny's things lol. This man has so much stuff! We decided to put the telescope, almost half of his clothes, some odds and ends, oh and this stereo he had. If our TVs didn't both have Pandora on them I think we would have kept the stereo but ya know... new technology wins. Well anyway after my dad left, the kids ate dinner and then we had to get them ready to leave to go to their mothers for the weekend. Once Kenny got back we had a nice relaxing dinner and watched some Criminal Minds. Busy, busy, busy lol. 

I hope next week doesn't go by too fast though I'm super excited about it! It's Cat in the Hat week at Elaina's school so they have like this "spirit week" thing happening and I can't freakin wait! I hope I remember to take pictures of her in the mornings especially on the wacky who hair Wednesday... crazy clothes and who hair!! Ok, I'm too excited lol and I will leave it at that. Hope y'all have a fantastic weekend!

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