Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Harder Than I Thought...

Our little Momo ^_^
That picture sums up how I have felt these past couple of days around 5:30 am. Look how adorably sleepy/comfy he is! Lol, anyway I had a hard time last night as well... don't worry it definitely wasn't BH. I woke up around 3:50-ish to use the bathroom and couldn't go back to sleep no matter how hard I tried. The baby didn't seem to want me to lay on my left side which is most comfortable for me, but every time I did I got punched and kicked. So... right side it was and I just couldn't get comfy enough. I finally dosed off sometime past 5 and shortly after I heard the alarm for 5:45 going off telling us it's time to get up and get Elaina ready. I ended up falling back asleep close to 8 and didn't get out of bed till 11. That's a ton of sleep! I thought all my energy was supposed to back and this fatigue was just gone for good... but I guess making a human still takes a lot ^_^

Besides my ridiculous sleeping habits Kenny and I decided yesterday that we are going to make our own headboard for our bed. We want to move the bed on the biggest wall but that's where the window is aannnddd without a head board the pillows would just get smashed into the blinds. We looked online to just buy one but they're all too tall and would cover the window up and that's a no go because I love having the windows open. So we just decided to make our own with some ideas on pinterest and I'm super excited. Not only is it going to look great but it's also going to give the room more space and we can have an even better place for the crib <3 Speaking of crib... I still feel like we aren't prepared for this baby at all lol, we have a few things here and there but it just doesn't seem like enough. It even still feels surreal to me that I'm even going to be having a baby, I wonder if that's normal....

Who wants to be normal anyway?
Have a great hump day everyone!

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