Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Braxton Hicks

Wow.... just wow. Last night from about 6 ish to almost 930 was the worst! I was getting scared wondering why on earth it felt like I was having menstrual cramps off and on and why they had even caused me to stop what I was doing just to lay down. We did some googling and asked a lot of my mom friends and Braxton Hicks was the answer. Now don't think I'm an idiot, I knew that if they didn't go away, or if the pain was building more each time, or if they became rhythmic that it would have been preterm labor or something else (there's like a huge list of possibilities). After about 20-25 minutes of laying back with my feet propped up and drinking nothing but water I felt perfectly fine. 

I've always had a high pain tolerance but I am a complete wuss when it comes to cramps and I'm so sad that no one said "hey, braxton hicks and labor pains are pretty much just like menstrual cramps just times  a bazillion!" -_- jerks lol. So other than a little bit of back pain during the night I feel great! Because of all that insane craziness I didn't get up with Elaina and Kenny this morning which I'm a little bummed at myself about because I was going to make her lunch today. There's always tomorrow! Welp, that was my super eventful evening, hope yours was better than mine lol.

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