Monday, February 23, 2015

Good Morning Monday!

How amazingly cute is this bow?! A friend of mine used her awesome talent and made a few bows for me and I am so in love with this one! She does hair bows and crochet and I'm completely jealous lol. Our little lady was extremely excited to wear this one... I'm personally excited for the St. Patricks day one and the Easter one, I even have the outfits planned already haha I'm awful.

So! I'm up early, in case you hadn't noticed. I'm usually up to do her hair then I end up falling back asleep but I'm going to try to get out of that habit. I figure if I keep up this routine of getting up and staying up then that means I can set aside some blogging time! Now, I might not blog every day because some days are pretty laid back and uneventful but this should help me do it more often. We do have a ton to do this week so I'm sure I'll have things to say. Right now our main concern is whether or not little J-Bug is going to wake up with a fever or not. Poor thing got sick at his mother's house this weekend but in just a few hours with my mother-in-law and then with us you could already tell he was feeling better. Once his high energy returns then we'll know for sure that his little cold is gone ^_^ 

Welp, that's all for now! I'm gonna get ready for the day and watch a few episodes of Friends on Netflix and depending on little man maybe we can get a few errands done later. Hope yall have a fantastic Monday!

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