Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week 24

I really really want some cantaloupe lol. Today has been a beautiful day... the windows are open, there's a nice breeze and it gave me a reason to wear a dress around the house:

my pink streak totally matches my phone ^_^

I freakin adore this dress... however I will be sad once I get bigger I probably won't be able to fit into it lol which is why I'm taking advantage of the nice weather. Ever since my haircut my confidence has been soaring! It feels great OH and I actually styled my hair and it turned out great! I don't know about the rest of the world but I used to always find it impossible to achieve the same look once I washed and dried my hair myself but this time I freakin did it. Of course, it's a little more frizzy than what it was at the salon... but I don't have all the same products or the amazing straightener either. I apologize for the slight ramblings... I'm just trying to post more often about anything and everything.

I really want to get the bedroom cleaned so I guess it's about time I stop procrastinating and get to it. Hope yall had an amazing weekend!

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