Friday, February 20, 2015

Little Late

My belly! I know on Sunday I'll already be 24 weeks which is in a few days sooo I'm a little late on posting this but oh well. I really wanted to share it. I still can't believe I'm about to enter my 3rd trimester already. Everyone I know was telling me how being pregnant was going to go by so slow and I was going to be miserable but it's the total opposite. I feel fantastic and time is just flying by! I've managed to keep a positive outlook on myself and all the changes my body is going through and I'll admit some days I feel like crud lol but I'm pretty sure that's normal since everyone has their 'blah' days. Our baby is constantly on the move and is doing great. We have our next appointment next week and I'm excited to hear he/she's little heartbeat <3

Here's the side photo:
People keep saying how small I am and I still can't believe I'm going to get bigger. I feel huge already! Pregnancy is insane, sometimes out of no where I just sit there and think "Wow, I'm growing a human"... maybe it's just me haha but still, crazy! I can't wait to meet our little one and I can't wait to know what he/she is going to be. It's all just so exciting! Yay for babies!

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