Monday, March 9, 2015

Awesome Day!

Today was amazing! Jacob got to spend some time with his old daycare provider/babysitter while we went and used our tax money on the things we had planned. My super amazing husband decided to spoil me with a necklace, it's amethyst and opal and I adore it! Then we went to go get our brand new couch! This is the first piece of brand new furniture either of us has ever owned! Both of us have always gotten things from our parents when they decided to upgrade to something else lol. So this is a super exciting day for us! I found the cute spring/easter table cloth at the same place we got our couch and I also picked up a wreath for the front door ^_^ To top it all off as Kenny was getting the couch completely set up UPS showed up with the cat tree we ordered for our spoiled little furbabies. So everyone got a little something today, the kids even got new pj's and one outfit each.

Things are going so well here lately it's scary lol. I think we deserve it <3

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