Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Georgia Weather

The weather here can be a bit unpredictable as you can see with the right picture lol. However the one on the left is this weeks and even though there is rain I am super happy that we are up in the 70s and 80s. I might change my views once I get bigger and closer to my due date but for now I'm happy about it. I get to wear tank tops and all my new skirts plus I can wear flip-flops and sandals which is so much easier than having to tie shoes. Oh! Yesterday we even found a pair of maternity shorts that are actually cute... so lucky.

Anyway, it's a little chilly this morning and Elaina was not happy about the tank top and shorts... she kept saying how cold she was. I guess that's a down fall for the weather. Yesterday I had her in capris and a tank top and it was 82 and she came home saying how hot she got so I wasn't taking chances today. I kept having to remind her that it was going to be really hot later and how she was going to wear a jacket this morning... I made her lunch to take to school to make up for it lol. She'll thank me when she gets home like usual ^_^ With her braided pigtails and everything she should stay pretty cool during recess and on the bus ride home. 

I think tonight we are gonna do some crafts... depends on how well she does in school and how well Jacob does today. I hope they both have good days, I'm tired of putting things off because one of them messes up. Like yesterday we were going to have our weekly fun night but right when she got home she wanted to be hard headed and forget all the rules in this house and once we got him not even 10 minutes pass and he decided to not listen at my moms house. I know it may seem strict but I don't want them to think they can get away with everything like they seem to elsewhere. It's usually like that with them almost every Monday so it's pretty obvious this house is run a lot differently. I think we're going to change fun night to Wednesdays once Kenny stops having to work overtime lol. That way they can just lose their snacks on Mondays instead of the other option.

I don't know... we're going to have to sit down, pick a day during the week, plan fast dinners for it, and stick to it. Wish us luck lol, things always seem to change around here so who knows how that's going to go ^_^

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