Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Crafty Momma

Tada! Remember when I mentioned a few entries back about wanting to do this project:

Well now I have most of my supplies! I've got the paint:

(in order from left to right) Elaina, Zachary, Jacob, and Lillian. Since we're waiting on the birth for the gender I have to make both, which is no big because I love making things. The giant letters will be painted with those colors and the small ones will just be white... I might do white with glitter on the girls, I haven't decided yet. I also have to decide what object I want to put on the empty corner. I know for sure Jacob is getting a race car and Elaina is either getting a butterfly or a daisy. Whichever I pick for Elaina, the opposite will be for Lillian and I think I want to do a guitar or a skateboard for Zach. For the ribbon hanger I'm going to use purple for Elaina, blue for Zach, green for Jacob, and pink for Lilly.

I'm pretty excited to get started! I know the kids will really love them. I plan to hang them over their beds once they get their own rooms... it could be a little present waiting for them once we do it. I can't wait!

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