Thursday, March 12, 2015

Short & Sweet

26 weeks and 2 days
I am in such a grateful mood! I'm so happy with how life has worked out and how I've been given such a great husband and kids.The married life suits me <3 Kenny and I are like one person and we can tackle anything that comes our way. I love being a mother figure to my two wonderful step children and I'm very lucky to have them in my life. I'm proud of myself for staying healthy and fit during my pregnancy. Sure there are a few set backs at work but I'm not even really all that worried. We've got great supportive and helpful parents that no matter the struggle I know we can always count on them to help us if we really need it.  

It may seem like I'm bragging or coming off too confident but frankly I don't really care. To feel like this on a daily basis and to know this is how things will be for the rest of my life is truly an amazing feeling. Having a baby is only going to make things even better <3

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