Monday, February 9, 2015


Can you spot the baby?! ^_^
So my whole plan for this month was to start a challenge and post every day... that did not happen. My mind has been focused on TONS of other things such as baby, cleaning, baby, kids, baby, husband... and did I mention baby? I am starting to freak out! I only have 3 and 1/2 months left (roughly) and I own three things for our little one. 3 things! I'm starting to worry and I know that's the last thing I should do so I try not to but then I worry that I'm going to start worrying... lol, I'm impossible.

However, on the plus side we have started deep cleaning the house. Super happy about that! The living room is first, we've moved everything out and have started cleaning the carpet. After that's done, everything is getting rearranged as it gets moved back in so that we can move the computer desk out of our bedroom to make room for the crib. CRIB... so weird haha, I'm obviously still in that "this is so surreal" phase of being pregnant and having a baby. Anyway, this should all take about two days (today and tomorrow) then it's back to cleaning out the spare room so that Elaina can have it. I can't wait until they aren't sharing a room anymore, she's getting at that stage where she just tries to get Jacob in trouble and tells on him for the littlest of things. So now, if they're playing together and she does it then we can tell them to play separate. We had planned on separating them by the end of this year... kinda like a Christmas present with their own rooms and what not but with the baby coming it just seems like something that should happen sooner. Less stress on everyone.

A lot of things we planned have to happen sooner now rather than later. Like a new dinner table, granted we've still got some time, it's not like the baby is going to be right at the table after it comes out lol but it still needs to be done. New living room furniture as well... we never upgraded from the stuff I already owned before they moved in so you can imagine the limited seating space from just 1 to 4 people... that's probably going to get done before the table. See! Worry haha... I know all these things don't need to get done by tomorrow or next week but for some reason my mind is like "you're running out of time!"

Well, it's almost time for Elaina's bus to arrive so I will be signing off, hope ya'll have a great week!
Happy Monday!

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