Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Baby Names

Names, names, and more names. We have had names picked out for awhile... even before our baby existed we had already talked about it and everything. We figured since everyone is so bummed that they all have to wait until the baby is born to find out the gender that we would at least share the names we chose. Are you ready?

Zachary Cloud

Lillian Skye

Of course, I personally love our choices lol. Zachary Cloud is an obvious gaming reference from one of our favorite games: Final Fantasy 7. Lillian Skye didn't start with a reference, I've just always liked the name Lilly but I realized that Lilly could totally be a Harry Potter reference for "Lily Potter"! That's awesome lol. So there you have it! Zach and Lilly... I wonder which name will be used :)

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