Thursday, January 15, 2015


I swear, during this pregnancy I have been more under the weather than I have in the past 2 years. Usually I would get sick about once maybe twice a year but since I've been pregnant I have been sick at least 4 times and it's only been 4 months -_- The crazy thing is I can have a runny nose and sore throat and feel fine but I'll be running a low grade fever the whole time. Usually I get headaches with fevers which is how I could always tell I had actually had a fever but not these days lol. Just earlier Jacob was in the living room playing when he said "dad, I'm cold" and I looked at Kenny and I was like "You should check to see if he has a fever." and Kenny says "Well it is kind of chilly in here" I paused and said "Really? I'm comfortable, wait... check me for a fever then" and sure enough it was 99.4.... nothing serious but I usually sit at 97. Crazy lol. I know my immune system isn't going to be like it was... but I didn't expect this considering how healthy I am.

OH btw, we had our ultrasound yesterday! Little gummy bear wouldn't stop moving at all haha. The best part was at one point while we were watching the screen the baby jerked/jumped and I actually felt it at the same time... to see it and feel it was AMAZING. I still smile about it ^_^ and I know all this movement is awesome to think about... but once he/she gets bigger I bet I'm going to be in for some rough nights lol. As long as it's healthy then it can move all it wants <3 Our due date might actually be a little off though, he/she is 3 ounces bigger than it 'should' be but they said that's normal and everything was still healthy and perfect. I'm so excited for it's arrival! I can't wait to see if it's a boy or girl. I still think it's a boy... I'm pretty positive about it but Kenny is saying girl. I can't wait!
Our perfect little gummy bear <3

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