Sunday, January 25, 2015

It's Time for a Challenge!

I've been slightly avoiding this blog lately, I come to the site with all intentions of writing something but then the mood leaves me. Weird? Totally... I love to write about anything and everything so it's really weird to me that I seem to go blank when I come here. I even went above and beyond and wrote out a schedule of topics to last me every day up until March! Even with the list of topics I still felt like I was being "pressured" to be here... of course I would be the only one doing the pressuring lol, so that list is in the trash haha. I've decided I'm going to start a challenge here soon, maybe to fill the month of February. I realize that February is usually a pretty busy time for me but I'm atleast going to attempt it.

I've saved a few ideas on my Pinterest of certain "challenges" to do so all I have to do is pick whichever one that jumps out at me and I've got a week to do it. No worries ^_^ Until then I should probably at least try to write in here once a day for the rest of January.... definitely no promises. Oh before I forget I totally felt the baby kick! I've been feeling movement since the beginning of this month but last night and this morning were the first times I could feel the punches/kicks on my hand! Now I just gotta get Kenny to feel them lol. Little jedi seems to know when Kenny's hand is present because I swear he/she moves to a different spot once he's there. I'm sure it will happen soon, it's super exciting! Today actually marks the half-way point of my pregnancy... and I feel like I should have more accomplished and more knowledge but I'm trying not to think about all that lol. I'm sure all will fall into place <3

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