Monday, January 26, 2015

Baby Weight

I'm going to spend a lot more time at home for awhile and I figure I should take full advantage of the situation. I've been having a healthy pregnancy so far and have done some exercising here and there but I think I'm gonna add a little more to my routine since my weekend walks around the warehouse won't be happening anytime soon. I've got a board on Pinterest dedicated to a healthy and fit pregnancy. After my weight loss a couple years back I've taken a lot of pride in my health and my body and me being pregnant and having a baby will definitely not change that. I'm not going use the baby as an excuse to not exercise like a ton of females do. Now I know some are high risk and they have no choice but even after giving birth and after the healing process there should be no excuses! I've also been very cautious of what I eat granted I'm one of the lucky few without a constant craving of anything... well except milk but that's good for me anyway lol. I didn't get the whole mentality of "I'm eating for two so I can eat double whatever I want!" No... just no. All that's required is an extra 300-500 calories per day... that's it! Does that mean I'm going to buy a big mac everyday? Hell no, I'm going to be smart and eat veggies, fruits, salads, etc.

I'm not just eating for me, my baby needs the healthy foods not the junk. I've never been a big junk food eater in the first place though, I'm pretty smart in my food choices. Occasionally I may eat some candy or cookies but I don't over do it. It's not just about me anymore, my baby needs to be healthy too. So! With all that being said... I think more exercise will do me some good. I remember when I first found out about being pregnant one of the top 5 thoughts in my head was "I don't want to be fat" ... at least I am being honest. I was scared I was going to gain all this weight everywhere not just my belly but everywhere. I know that may seem silly but I've seen it happen to a lot of females in my life and I've seen their battles with self-esteem because of it. 

I want to be able to run and play and keep up with all the kids! I don't want to be the mom who sits in front of the TV all day or just sulks around the house while the kids run miles around her. I want in on the fun! Hell I'm 27 and I still feel 18 half the time and I plan to keep it that way, 20 weeks in and I'm doing a damn good job so far <3 Nothing will stop me!

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