Monday, January 12, 2015

Family of Gamers

Those are old pictures of us but it was when we first introduced the Nintendo to the kids... and they loved it! Jacob is quite the pro at it, Elaina seems more scared to fail/die than anything so she gets very discouraged but I hope to get her out of that. Either way, our love of games led me to the decision of our new blog design... and I am super happy with how it turned out.

On Christmas the kids received the LeapTV from my in-laws (who are fantastically amazing btw) and I must say that this system has blown my mind. I knew that LeapFrog made educational games, hell the kids both have LeapPads and they adore them but after seeing the system in action and the games they played I'm super impressed. We've got 4 profiles set up right now: Jacob, Elaina, Mommy, and Daddy and each one you can set what grade level they're at. I was a little nervous at first because Jacob isn't even in pre-k yet and that was the lowest option but he was getting the right answers! He understood what was being asked and was able to answer the questions without any help from me or Kenny. The only thing we've noticed so far is that if Elaina doesn't feel like she's doing well enough in a game she instantly wants to quit but we always say "just because it's not easy doesn't mean you're allowed to quit, you have to practice and think harder to get better" that usually helps and she actually does start doing better.

I think she's just so used to already knowing almost everything in Kindergarten that if something comes along where she doesn't automatically get it she just wants to give up. Also I feel like she doesn't think she should have to work hard to do well anymore. So not a good sign but I know in this house we are trying to fix that thought process, let's just hope what we do actually sticks.

They're playing the tutorial in those pictures. It teaches you how to move the controller around and gives you little mini-games while teaching it. This system is amazing. I can't wait until we buy more games for it! Till then we still have to decide on the days they're allowed to play and how long they have to play it. It's way better than wasting away in front of the television considering it's hands-on and educational.... I don't know, we'll figure it out lol.

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