Monday, January 12, 2015

Married Life

Wedding Selfie!
Holy cow I haven't been here in ages. I apologize, but I felt the need to focus my time and energy into my little family. I realize I still have it all Christmas Themed around here so I will change that eventually but since I'm on our laptop I'm quite limited to the things I can do. Plus all my cute blog related decorations are on the desktop and so is Paint Shop Pro.

ANYWHO sooooo WE ARE MARRIED! Haha, of course that happened December 23rd and I'm a little late at updating but oh well. We haven't got all of our pictures back yet so there will be another post with those. Right now all we have is what others took and one preview photo from our photographer. 

Let me just say that this day was the most perfect and amazing day of my life. It was very intimate and actually took place inside my parents living room. We were supposed to do it in the backyard but it start down pouring right when the wedding started. It didn't bother me one bit, rain or shine I was about to marry my soul-mate. As I walked down towards Kenny I could feel the tears start to form but I held them back (which is unbelievably hard to do when your hormones are all crazy) Once I stood across from my best friend and he took my hand everything was okay. Believe it or not he was the nervous one! Yup!! He was shaking and smiling, it was perfect <3 After the ceremony all the pictures were taken and the cake was cut... which we slammed in each others faces lol. We then shared our first dance to "All of Me -- John Legend ft. Lindsey Stirling". Everyone had a great time and so did we. I wouldn't have changed a single thing <3 I'm just glad the people who came had a great time and I'm super happy that Tatiana, Raheen, Tiffani, Nick, my cousin Stephy, and our parents, kids, and Kenny's grandma were able to attend. :)

We had to wait to get our marriage license because of everyone being closed for the holidays. But we were able to get it on December 29th and once we find a nice enough frame it will be for display in our bedroom. The married life is fantastic, I love when I hear people call my new name even though most people at work have been doing it since before we were even engaged lol. I'm not going to lie, it's been hard to break the habit of signing my name the old way haha, hell I went 27 years with it so of course it's going to take awhile before I don't have to pause to think about it lol. I'm so glad I never rushed into any marriages or had any children before Kenny. I know he is the one for me, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. I'm here for all eternity and vice versa... here's to us <3

Our favorites from everyone else
Our Nightmare Before Christmas wine glasses from my parents <3

The only professional picture so far and I freakin LOVE it!

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