Thursday, December 18, 2014

5 More Days!

Just 5 short days until I marry my soul mate!! I am beyond excited and I'm starting to get all nervous. Everything is last minute and it's starting to really set in. My weather app even says there is going to be thunderstorms which sucks BUT ya know what according to some that's actually good luck. Not that I'm superstitious at all lol... I kinda can't be since I was born on Friday the 13th during a full moon and a blizzard lol.

Regardless, no matter how the day goes and no matter how hectic things are it's still going to be perfect. How often can one say without any doubt that they are marrying their soul mate, their best friend, their other half, and 'the one'?? Not too many people considering how many divorces go on. I've actually never felt this way before and that's one of the ways I know he was and is my one and only. Sure, in the past I may have thought I was in love and I'm not trying to "diss" my exes... but no one compares to Kenny. He is exactly like me and I've never met someone who completes me so much. To this day we still haven't had a fight, I mean we have or disagreements but they never amount to more than just stating our opinions. We don't yell at each other, we don't call each other names, we don't threaten our relationship... we just talk it out and compromise. I guess that's what happens when you get two very laid back people in a relationship lol, smooth sailing. The best part about all this is that  I know he feels the exact same way. I can tell by how he looks at me, how he kisses me every night, how he kisses me every morning, and how he constantly tells me I'm beautiful even on a day I'm sick and gross lol. Without a doubt I know where I stand with him. I know he will be by my side for the rest of my life and I to his. I know we will always be honest and loyal.

I know all this 100% and it's not because he has to tell me, it's because  I can feel all the love that pours out of his heart everyday. So when someone tells you "he/she is the one" I would assume they feel all of this and maybe even more. I wish everyone could feel what I feel. My heart is filled with so much love for this man that sometimes I feel it may explode. I can't wait to marry him<3

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