Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Picture Time!


That picture right there is my absolute favorite out of all the pictures we took. I'm not going to share all the pictures we got back just our top favorites. But wow, that picture is perfect. Here are the others ones:

My eyes aren't as bold as I hoped... I need to work on my make-up lol

Those are our favs. <3 I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I can't believe we are getting married in only 6 days! We just got what Kenny is wearing today and his parents wanted to help us get our wedding bands. We are so lucky to have parents like ours. They want to be involved and they want to help, I love them all <3 and I am very grateful and super thankful for all the help and support they are giving us. 

On another note, I am 14 and 1/2 weeks pregnant and I have still yet to start showing and that makes me sad but everyone says that I probably won't start showing until about 18-20 weeks and that it will be easier for me to lose the "baby weight". I can't wait to have a little bump and take adorable pictures. I can't wait to start buying baby things. So excited!!!!

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