Monday, September 15, 2014

The List!

There it is ladies and gents!! Finally, Kenny and I have made our guest list lol and we are still adding a few people (sorry we forgot!) but I think it's safe to say that we will now be searching for a venue to hold 150 ^_^ I am so freakin excited! Every time a decision gets made I get all giddy and silly because it's just one step closer to the most amazing day of my life. Of course, our wedding won't be super traditional but I'm sure everyone already assumed that. I'm not going to have bridesmaids at least I don't think I will... and if I do we probably won't have the whole maid of honor and best man... that just seems rude to pick someone to make them seem more important in our lives. I love all my friends equally. OH! I just remembered someone else lol... I'm horrible haha.

On a different note... I wore a dress for an entire day this past Thursday! I'm so proud of myself. Usually I'll put one on then I end up talking myself out of wearing it because I don't feel comfortable in dresses. It's not that I have body issues lol, I'm just scared I'm flashing my goodies! That's why I could wear jeans and a tank top my whole life and be perfectly happy lol... I just think I should try and incorporate some dresses in my wardrobe so I'm not always so casual, ya know? I hope that makes sense. It doesn't have to be just dresses though, I'm cool with skirts. I have this one really long one that I've had forever and I adore it! I'm probably comfortable in it because it's long lol. Ok! Off track haha. Here is proof!
I love this dress! So comfy and colorful!
That was our date night attire ^_^ It sucks that we have to drop the kids off on Thursdays but I still look forward to that night because it's our night together for whatever we plan... dinner, movie, dinner and a movie, games, um other 'activities' lol... I love Thursdays! haha. Welp, I think I've decided on trying to make Fridays my go to day for blogging. The kids aren't here and Kenny is at work so it's just me and kitties, seems like a perfect day! Yay blogging decisions and yay wedding stuff!

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