Monday, September 8, 2014

15 Things

It has been awhile again... I'm getting bad at this even though I have a lot of time on my hands these days now that lady bug is in school and we take j-bug to daycare a couple days out of the week. Maybe I should try to set a certain time and day to come here and discuss my life... I'll think about it haha. So! First things first, I had to purchase a new keyboard this morning because I had a kool-aid accident the other night. I don't know what happened, the cup just fell out of my hands and went everywhere! I wasn't very happy lol. On the bright side though, Kenny and I found this super amazing washable keyboard! Problem solved! Have I mentioned it types like a freakin dream? I'm so in love with this thing it's not even funny!!

Alright, down to business! You might be wondering about the title of this blog. Well, I decided to focus this blog on myself and list 15 things I love about me. You might think this is random but there are so many insecure people around that maybe this will inspire some to stop hating on themselves so much. I have flaws and so does everyone else, so why on earth should you beat yourself up over them? Granted... some flaws are worse than others... like poor money management lol that would be ok to dislike yourself over *haha* Anywho, let's get this started shall we?

Number One
I love the freckles on my lips. I have two ^_^ when I was younger I used to hate all my freckles and honestly I couldn't even tell you why. I love them now but I think the two on my lips are super sexy.

Number Two
My politeness. A great example would be what happened today, I said "Excuse me" to a child who couldn't be no older than 3. Some of you may be like "so? what's the big deal?" Well, I rarely even hear the words "excuse me" to pass by someone let alone someone saying it to a child...

Number Three
My kindness. I am really one of the nicest people I know... I may have a sharp tongue and I can be aggressive if need be but I actually don't even like being mean at all. Hell, I'm nice to people who others say don't even deserve it. Just the other day Kenny and I were discussing what to do if we won the lotto and I even thought about giving some money to a certain someone and he looked at me like I was nuts lol. 

Number Four
My height. Don't laugh! I'm serious lol. I love being 5'1" (and 1/2) I might not be able to reach a lot of things and it's easy to hide things from me but damn it I'm still happy with it! I'm adorably pint sized ^_^

Number Five
My money management. This is a quality I am very proud of. I don't even remember a time I was really taught the true value of money and how to manage it... just comes naturally I guess. So I can honestly say that I have never been behind, or more than a few weeks late on anything. Go me!

Number Six
My body. This seems to be an issue with a ton of people. I haven't always loved my body and I'll admit there are some days where I just want to wear my baggy pants and a lose shirt but in no way does that mean I hate myself. I barely put any effort into working out and I still look fit as hell... imagine what working out daily would do! I'm pretty damn proud lol.

Number Seven
My skin color. I don't tan... it's not that I can't because everyone can with the right amounts of exposure it's because I don't want to. I love my porcelain skin and I wouldn't change a thing about it. I don't feel the need to try and look like everyone else and just sit outside to "catch some rays" Don't get me wrong... some people can just be outside for 10 minutes and they just naturally get darker and that's ok. I just don't understand the ones who sit outside to purposely gain tan lines, skin damage, and increase the risk of skin cancer. Why not love the skin color you have?

Number Eight
The relationship I have with my parents. This would seem like a given but you'd be surprised how many people don't even communicate at all with theirs. My mom and my dad are my two best friends and I love them with all my heart. I wouldn't be who I am today without the guidance they provided and the love they gave me.

Number Nine
My strength. I have been through a lot in my life. Hardly anyone knows everything, only very very few people do. I don't talk about it because it's my past but because of the things I have endured over the years I have become a very strong and independent young woman.

Number Ten
My creativity. I love making things! I love painting, drawing, coloring, writing, photography, singing... hell I freakin love it all. I may not be the best and I'm sure not making money off of anything I do but I enjoy it so much and I am so happy that I have a creative outlet to go to when I am bored out of my mind. Sometimes I even make some amazing shit lol.

Number Eleven
My fiance and his two amazing kids. I know this doesn't really seem like something I love about myself but they have changed me. I have never been so comfortable around anyone like I am with Kenny. I finally know how it feels to be myself around someone and it feels amazing. As for my future step babies... they have shown me new ways to view the world. There is always so much love and imagination in their eyes, they are simply amazing to be around. They have also led me to the decision that one day I do what a child of my own and those two will be the best brother and sister a little child could ever have.

Number Twelve
My eyes. I don't know how many times in my life I've been asked these two questions:
1. Are your eye lashes real?!
2. Is that really your real eye color???
I love it! I do wear contacts but they are just regular old clear ones. Rest assured that this color and these super amazingly long lashes are indeed 100% real. 

Number Thirteen
The fact that I can not throw up. Okay... this is just by assumption. I have gone years... YEARS without throwing up. The last time I even remember it happening was when I was way younger and I was really sick. My mom had taken me to the doctors after having to stop a few times on the way there so I could throw up and after receiving that medicine I have yet to puke. *gross* I have however felt the sensation where it seems like I'm going to.. ya know... the mouth getting all watery and the weird feelings around your throat (that's the best way I can explain it lol because that rarely happens too) but nope! Nothing! *so awesome!*

Number Fourteen
My accomplishments in life. By the time I was 20 years old I owned my own land, my own house, my own car, I was paying my own bills. Sure there were times when I needed a little help here and there because of hours at GameStop, but even then I never ever fell behind and there is nothing wrong with asking for help...kthx. I know 30 year olds who still live with their parents or who can't even afford the house they 'try' to live in. I am extremely proud of myself and how I've managed to make things work. Little hint: Don't spend money you don't have... also, cable is not a necessity.

Number Fifteen
My ability to be the bigger person. I don't hold grudges... if I do, it's like for a few days then I'm over it. Sure there have been times I've acted a little immature lol... a lot of that happened when I was younger and so stuck in my own world. But I'll admit I've done a few things here and there even at my age now and so what?! I'm human and personally I love watching other people get so angry over the silliest things like quotes I like on Pinterest or things I post on my facebook that's not even directly aimed at anyone... of course you always have that one person who thinks the world revolves around them so naturally everything is about them. I'm getting off track lol. What I'm saying is that sure, I may poke a little fun, and make a rude comment about someone but I am always and I mean always the first to apologize and the first to say what I did was wrong. It's just who I am, it's very hard for me to be mean so when I am I feel bad about it shortly after.

So there you have it! 15 things I love about myself and there are plenty more lol. I wouldn't change a damn thing about me because as far as I'm concerned, I'm pretty freakin awesome.

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