Wednesday, August 13, 2014


So I know I titled this entry as uneventful... but I realize now that there are a lot of things I haven't posted about. Like our trip to North Carolina where I met Kenny's family, wedding ideas, Elaina's first day of school... well technically second since we didn't have her for her first. I've kind of been pretty lazy around the house really. I have good reason though! Granted it doesn't take much effort to get on the computer and type away but I've been sick for like a week. I probably would have been feeling better sooner if I was still taking medication lol but I'm really stubborn about it besides I think it was a cold + allergies... no bueno. Regardless... we had a blast in NC, and his family is amazing. I'll add some pictures towards the end of all this. We did a lot of sight seeing up there, visited some malls, did some geocaching (which the kids really loved!) We even stopped at the South of the Border on the way back and they got super excited about it. They loved it!

So other than that, we've been talking a ton about the wedding and where to have it and what to incorporate in it. We decided on June 3rd for sure, it's a little ways away but it gives us plenty of time to get things ready. Plus we had to schedule it around when we would have the kids and how it would effect our honeymoon. Speaking of honeymoon we've already chosen to go to Disney World! I'm am SOOO excited! I can't freakin wait! That's another reason we wanted to do it later in the year too because we wanted to save our tax money. If we really wanted to we could get married in January on presidents day weekend since we have the kids... but we wouldn't have tax money by then and it's too close to Christmas AND the style dress I want isn't winter appropriate. I would freakin love to marry him tomorrow if we could lol but I think a long engagement is better... things don't feel so rushed.

I know for sure though that they will be moving in here pretty soon ^_^ I'm also pretty excited about that too! Then we can really get the ball rolling on fixing up the other room so that they aren't sharing anymore. Lady bug is starting to show signs of wanting privacy so the sooner we manage to do it the better. I was thinking maybe during the summer whenever their mother keeps them for her week... that would give us a good amount of time to get things set up and what not. Depends on the money situation then I guess. If not during the summer then we have the options of J-bug's birthday or even for next Christmas since they won't be with us for that week. I think then would be best ya know? How awesome would it be to come back after the week of Christmas to a brand new room!? That would be like one of the best presents ever I think. Welp, I think I've written quite enough for today. Enjoy some pictures!

They LOVED all the different hats lol
At Kenny's dad's house.
At Kenny's Uncle's house
Sleepin on the way to NC
Elaina having a staring contest with Daddy haha... she won!
One of my favorite pictures of them <3
Elaina's 2nd/1st day of school!
I have more pictures, but I feel like I already have too many for this post haha... maybe I'll do some tomorrow if I get a chance to sit down at the computer. Thanks for reading!

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