Friday, August 1, 2014

Guitar Lessons!

Kenny bought this for his birthday with a GameStop gift card from his parents. It's actually one of the fastest ways to learn how to play the guitar (or bass). Of course Kenny knows quite a bit already considering he taught himself how to play but I don't know a damn thing. Ok, that's a lie... I know the beginning "Nothing Else Matters" by Metalica but if you know the song then you know that it's the easiest because you don't have to hold down any frets and it's just four strings you strum repeatedly for a little bit. That's all my knowledge. SO we are going to see if this game lives up to it's reviews by seeing how well/fast I learn. I'm pretty excited lol but I'm not too sure how well it's going to go. My art is in crafts and making things out of nothing... not so much musical instruments. The game recommends playing an hour a day for 60 days but I'm not to sure if I'd really want to dedicate that much time. It really depends on if I'm having fun while doing it. I know I can easily put that much time in Dance Central lol, hell I play that for about 5 hours before I start getting a little bored.

Either way I'm still pretty excited to learn something and if this game works then we could even get the kids on it once they get older. *yay* On a different note, I've made a new "new blog entry" picture:
 ^_^ pretty proud of it lol

AND I edited a picture for Kenny so he could use it on his Twitter account (even though we both don't really post too often on there) It's nothing all fancy or anything just something quick and easy.

Oh! Duh, you may be wondering why we are up to early! Well little miss Elaina had her first day of Kindergarten and we went over her mom's house to take a few pictures. It's not her first day of school since she went to pre-k already but it is Kindergarten and that's supposed to be a milestone. Kenny and I planned on making a photo album for her and using first day of school, last day of school, picture day, awards, events... stuff like that for every year (well minus pre-k now) to document the years it'll be a great keepsake for us once she's graduated and out of the house ya know? I'm not sure we're gonna use her actual first day of school photos though. I think we're gonna take better ones on Monday when we have her because I want her holding a sign and stuff. Idk, we gotta think about it. Alright, Kenny said it's my turn to start trying on the game now that he knows the basics of it and how it plays and what not. Wish me luck!

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