Thursday, July 31, 2014

I've got some news!

That picture right there is officially the last picture Kenny and I will ever take as boyfriend and girlfriend. That's right folks!!! We are ENGAGED!! Omgosh and I was sooo freakin surprised! Let me give you all the details! It started out as any normal day.. well sorta since it was actually his birthday. He said he wanted to go to Dave & Busters so I was all "that sounds awesome, we could just spend the day in Jacksonville and maybe do some school clothes shopping for the kids too" So I obviously didn't think anything was up at all lol. At about 4 something we make it to D&B's and we have our dinner and make our way to the arcade part and I see that the Caricature guy was there again and Kenny says "we should do that again while we're here" and of course I agree because I see him doing color this time so I really wanted one in color. 

So! After awhile of playing games we come back to the guy and sit down and I'm all like "It's his birthday! He's 31!" thinking maybe he could do a theme or something. The artist (his name is Robert) started saying how he was going to take his time with it since it was so slow and since he brought his colors. We small talked for a little here and there and about an hour later Robert says "I'm really proud of this one, do you mind if I record your reaction?" sooo I'm like "sure, why not" he stood up and handed the paper to us and I take it and about 5 second later I finally realize what it says:

Yup!!!! Lol I was so shocked! I had no idea he planned anything, didn't even know he had a ring, I didn't know a single thing! My reaction was priceless which you can see at the end of this entry because I'm going to post the video... the audio is a little low because of all the background noise so you'll have to turn everything all the way up. Turns out he started thinking of this idea on our first trip home from Dave and Busters while I slept in the passengers seat. He called the restaurant, talked to the manager, got Roberts phone number for him and I'm sure you get the picture lol. He had been talking to this guy for awhile and I didn't even notice haha. Either way I am the happiest woman alive right now. I'm so excited to start planning and everything, you guys don't even know. Life couldn't get any better <3

This is Robert and us... he's officially my new best friend even though he doesn't know it.

And there is my gorgeous ring <3 it's perfect


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