Thursday, July 10, 2014

Red, White, and Blue!

I told them to pose and this was the result... so cute! So, 4th of July was a little different. Kenny had to work the actual day so we waited and did a few things when he got home. Saturday was the day we did everything lol. We went to this place called 'Monkey Joes' and they absolutely loved it... I'm not exaggerating either both of them said it was the best day ever multiple times! Definitely put a smile on our faces and you can be sure we'll be regular customers there. It's pretty much this big building filled with bounce houses... they were HUGE! They even had a small little arcade section where you could win tickets for prizes. Anyway, they were all over the place haha but Elaina's favorite was this giant pirate ship and Jacob's was the biggest slide there lol. We stayed there the majority of the day and had originally planned to head to a festival in town but decided to get our own fireworks since we had to work the next day. Once they started finally saying they were hungry we headed over to pizza hut brought it home and had some family time at the table. Then after dinner they played a bit inside and then we headed outside to get more of that crazy energy out of them. Once the sun started going down some we pulled out the fireworks. It was amazing, their faces lit up and it was a joy to watch the excitement that poured out of them.

All in all it doesn't sound like much but it was a pretty amazing day. We got to spend some quality time playing and laughing and that's just something you can't replace. <3

Festive nails!
I swear... I've been trying to avoid buying expensive nail polish to use on Elaina but it really looks like I'm just gonna have to tough it up and do it. All the small bottles for kids and "hot designs" bottles just don't hold up at all. By the time she was crawling in bed I noticed two nails had just wiped completely off. Regardless... I still think I did an amazing job lol.

Their "biggest and bestest smiles"
Jacob's new habit is "let's not look at the camera for any reason what-so-ever"
Showing off his muscles and Transformers tattoo :)
She totally did this all on her own lol
Daddy's Baby Girl <3
Daddy's Little Monster
Monkey Joes!
This is my favorite from MJs! She looks SO much like her daddy!
And this is my fav of Jacob... pure joy lol
On the way home <3

These next few are when we got home. I didn't get any through dinner or the fireworks because we dedicated our time to the kids and not our electronics. ^_^
Elaina at snack time haha... her eyes look freakin amazing in this picture lol.
Jacob and Kenny during snack time lol
"Racing" outside... trying to run off that energy the nap gave them before fireworks.
Finally... pictures with Dad <3
Now this... is normal lol. I love them <3

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