Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Enjoying Summer

 So our pool is up and running! The kiddos could totally stand in it... but they're still gonna wear those puddle jumper things. Shoot I'd put them in bubbles if I could haha, I swear for them not biologically being mine I am super protective and cautious! Anywho, the pool is amazing. I was a little worried that I wouldn't like it being so shallow but ya know... it serves its purpose and there's no reason to go all out this year. We decided we're gonna set it up a little different next year and what not but we aren't going to get anything deeper or bigger until that one dies. Speaking of dying... our power washer went to power washer heaven today so instead of making the house all clean we decided to clean out the shed that's out back. There were some fights with spiders and other creepy crawlers but it looks a thousand times better. 

This is a very uneventful update but I really just wanted to catch up on pictures. Tomorrows post will be all about July 4th lol. So here are a few pictures of today and some other ones of the munchkins.

My Favorite <3
Our eyes look ah-MAZ-ing
This is just a random outing we went on to Savannah. I didn't get as many pictures as I could have because my darn phone wasn't charged all the way so pictures of being outside and playing are only alive in my memories ^_^

poor guy had passed out before we even left Hinesville lol
Making wishes in the fountain!
Looking more and more like her daddy <3
Waiting on Kenny and Jacob to get out of the bathroom lol
This one is my favorite from the day <3 so cute!

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