Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Mini Get Away

So this is happening at the house *excited* it's nothing all super fancy but it's just right for two little munchkins who love being outside and Georgia weather just calls for some type of pool. I know me and Kenny would love something a bit bigger but we don't plan on always living here and it's really more for the kids anyway. Granted we're gonna enjoy it too lol but I know they're gonna be super happy about it <3

So other than setting up the pool and finishing the yard the only thing we have left to do it power wash the house. We have to wait till tomorrow though since the hose is currently occupied. It's a little weird around the house without them running around and without Elaina asking me to color with her every 5 minutes (which I do lol because I love coloring just as much as her) Anyway... it's weird but it is rather convenient since we have so much to do that requires us outside and our attention elsewhere. I guess it's sorta like a mini vacation lol even though we would much rather them be with us. We've got a few amazing surprises for them these last few weeks of school ^_^ Not to mention we still have to get school supplies and clothes for Elaina. I'm probably more excited than I should be haha but who cares! Mk, well Kenny is about to venture into the pool sooo I'm gonna log off and watch. Oh! Here are a few random pictures I took:

This just happened lol... so freakin sexy!
These two are so damn adorable! I've been wanting to get a picture of them on their scooters for awhile now but usually when we plan on it it's either raining or they'd rather snuggle up with us on the couch. But FINALLY lol at Kenny's mom's house after we took them to dairy queen and the park they wanted to ride them when we got there. And that picture is a result of saying "give me the BIGGEST most gigantic smile ever!" Too cute!

The sun got the best of me here... but it actually turned out pretty neat :)
Lol I got her laughing in this one ^_^ all I had to say was 'popcorn panties' haha don't ask lol
I have more pictures trust me haha but this is going to be it for now... I don't wanna overload the internet of pure adorableness from those two. Hope you all have a great day!

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