Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sick Day

So... that's my set up today, living on the couch, playing Far Cry 3 or watching Psych. Obviously right now I'm blogging haha but oh well. I feel like death but I'm happy I was able to take the day off because I really needed to take some Nyquil. I slept for almost 10 hours and it felt great! I've got a pretty horrific cough and my voice is gone at the moment... but I'm hoping by Tuesday that I'll feel loads better for work.

Other than the most recent news, Thursday Kenny went to go pick the kids up from a family friend and when they got back to the house he surprised me with flowers <3
Elaina picked them out <3 Which is amazing because daisies are my favorite flower. They're even more vibrant in person and I freakin love them. It gets even better... before they came over here they stopped at Kenny's moms house. Elaina went straight to her and said "we got Theresa flowers because her and daddy are married!" and his mom was like "no there not!" and Elaina says with the most serious face "Yes they are! Married people give each other flowers!" How cute! Kenny said she was so serious and was so upset that his mom had said we weren't lol. I swear she says some of the cutest things. Then you have Jacob who about every 10 minutes goes "Um, Theresa?" "Yes, Jacob?" "I'm I just, I just like you and love you" lol. They are such silly kids.

Welp, I'm out for now... my soup is cooled down now and I'm ready to lay back and relax <3

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