Thursday, June 26, 2014

Christmas Shopping!

You may think we're crazy, but no lie, we've already started Christmas shopping and today I made wishlists for them both on Amazon! I'm super excited haha. Shoot, we started back in March I think. When we took them out to Savannah and went to Toys R Us they both kept pointing out things they really liked and it definitely helped in giving us ideas. We already know the main thing their getting this year so now we just gotta find small things here and there. I can't freakin wait! Having kids around during Christmas time is just so much more entertaining! They get so excited about everything! Just sucks that I have to deal with that Elf on the Shelf mess lol, damn Kenny for buying that creepy thing. I'm sure I can come up with some silly/nerdy things, besides Pinterest has LOADS of boards and ideas for that mess.

Now that I think about it... after we mount the TV on the wall in the living room we are gonna be very limited on where the Christmas Tree goes. Matter of fact it would probably have to go where my computer desk is so really we have to find somewhere for that lol. Right now it can go in the spare room but once we give that room to Elaina then I have no clue! Maybe we can come up with something to where the computer could go in the bedroom. That would be ideal so that we could later monitor any internet usage.

On another note! Kenny and I have this weekend off which is amazing!! Well... it's kind of amazing. At our job they're installing some new snazzy things so they have to close our department down SOOO they're making us work during the week which mostly sucks because it takes time from the kids but it also kinda screws up any plans we originally had... like setting up our pool, cutting the yard, and power washing the house. All that is just gonna have to wait till the week of the 7th WHICH lucky for us works out because that's the kids week with their mom. So yay to her for doing us a favor that she doesn't even realize she's doing! Maybe one day we will all be on talking terms... I'll just sit back and wait like I have been since I've already tried right at the beginning. It's not up to me anymore and it hasn't been for a long while. I'm just gonna focus on me, Kenny, and the kids... and my kitties lol <3

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