Monday, June 9, 2014


Haha so cute!

So this morning Kenny and I were standing in the kitchen trying to figure out breakfast when Elaina comes in and says "Theresa I need to tell you something in your ear" so of course I lean over and she asks "Are you and daddy married?" And I re-ask her the same question so Kenny can hear and I say "No not yet baby, but one day I'm sure we will be" and she smiled her bashful smile and went back to the living room. Shortly after that she came back and said she needed to tell me something in my ear again so I lean over and she says "I want you and daddy to be married today" lol so cute!! So we were like "ok, today we're married" and then she smiled laughed and went to the living room again lol. Then of course Kenny is all "well that saves a ton of trouble" lol freaking smart ass haha. While all of that was happening Jacob was trying to hug us to death lol. Its never a dull moment when they're in this house. I can't wait until they officially move in <3

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