Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day!

Kenny really enjoyed his Father's Day gifts and he even said it was the best Father's Day he has ever had. I'm glad he enjoyed it, he really deserves the best and I'm so glad I can show him what a relationship and a family is supposed to be <3 Now I just have to figure out how to make next year just as good or even better lol. Here's a close up on the picture of them together:

The picture turned out fantastic! Jacob needs to get his growth spurt soon haha little munchkin is falling behind his sister. Also we've decided to take a picture just like that every year in the same spot with the same pose to track their growth :) I'm excited. Anyway, the pictures with the hearts in them are the crafts they did with finger paint and when my parents watched them they made the little hand prints. I know they enjoyed it all and they were so excited to give their presents to Kenny. It was such a great weekend. I also have some other pictures we took during the weekend.

That last one is my favorite of us haha but the one before it has a real smile from Elaina lol. OH and the one where I'm kissing Kenny is amazing haha because that is a for real surprised face. Welp, I'm not totally in the blogging mood, just wanted to give a quick update and show off some awesome pictures <3

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