Monday, May 5, 2014

Whatever I Want

Photo Challenge #5
A photo of whatever you please

He came home today <3 and barely let me go the entire time he was here. I love him and we both agreed no more vacations without each other lol. I knew he was on his way home but we decided to have chinese food so he had to stop there first and he was texting me awhile he was waiting. Usually he's all "alright got it, on the way" well he didnt do that this time so I heard the knock on the door and he walked in and I know I cheesed hard. I didn't wanna let him go. Here are some more pictures I took today:

One of the many shirts Kenny got me.. this one is one of his favorite bands.

Instagram makes my eyes look amazing lol

this was shortly after my photo challenge picture lol, he was so sleepy <3

Momo! Look at that cute face!
Sucks that I have to work tomorrow, I would so rather spend my day with him and the kids. But eh, I've used enough pto lately lol. I just hope the day goes by fast and 2nd shift isn't annoying -_- wish me luck with that!

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