Thursday, May 8, 2014


Photo Challenge #7:
A Silhouette 

Let's just sit back and look at the word "Silhouette" it is such a pretty word. The way it's pronounced and the way it's written. Ok! So, this one was a pain in the ass, mostly because my camera phone picked up on EVERYTHING even in the darkness. Regardless... I like how it turned out. I've had that dream-catcher since as far back as I can remember and with all the moving I've done I'm surprised I haven't lost it alone the way. One day I want to get a bigger one and it's gotta match the room colors. That one is blue which matches right now but eventually my room is gonna be red, black, and white soooo I gotta find one somewhere. 

OH! So next weekend is the color run! I bought my bright pink shorts that I've been eyeing at Walmart for a few days now lol now I just gotta get a pair of shoes that I'm not going to mind getting messed up. Thing is... I know Walmart's shoes are pretty cheap when it comes to long term durability but damn they got some cute shoes! Next friday I have to go to Savannah and pick up my race packet... the site and email weren't very clear as to what that includes but either way I'm getting all jittery thinking about it. I can't wait! On that note, it's late, I'm getting sleepy, and Kenny and I are supposed to go running in the morning <3

Here are some other pictures from today's challenge:
See what I mean! There is ZERO light behind me in this lol

I actually really like this one... kinda half silhouette half light. It's pretty ^_^

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