Friday, May 2, 2014

Pizza Night!

Don't worry, I'll post my challenge later haha mostly because its supposed to be "what I wore today" and I'm still in my pajamas ^_^ Last night was a blast! I really just wanted to share those pictures. Those three are literally my entire world <3 OH and Elaina said the cutest thing to me last night:

E: Can I tell you a secret?
M: Sure, go ahead
E: I wish you were married
M: *laughs* and why is that?
E: Because you're the nicest girl and you have the prettiest clothes
M: Aww well that's sweet of you. Who am I supposed to marry?
E: My Daddy

AWWWWWW  isn't that the sweetest thing you've ever heard?! She was so sincere too, that was probably the best part of my night <3 well... it's tied with playing 'earthquake' haha, that was pretty entertaining. On a different note, Kenny leaves today for the concert *sad face* I'm gonna miss him.

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