Friday, May 2, 2014

What I wore

Photo Challenge #2, 'What I Wore Today'. I have a full picture but I posted this one on Instagram so it was only right that I used it as my main one. I don't normally mismatch my socks BUT I couldn't find a match for the life of me lol. Here are the other 2 pictures I took for todays challenge:
My super amazing shoes that Kenny got me on our anniversary <3 I've always wanted a pair of chuck taylors... seriously ALWAYS and now I have some and they're pink! So awesome! I love him :3

And thats my whole outfit... nothing special haha. I'm really simple when it comes to clothing. Give me jeans and a tank top any day. In fact, anytime I do go shopping for clothes there is always at least one tank top among my purchases. Believe it or not, this tank top is actually from WalMart and it has become one of my favorites! It's super stretchy, it doesn't shrink, and it's a great length... perfect!

Well there ya have it! That's my style in a nut shell lol. Now I must spend my lonely Friday painting <3 I can't wait for Kenny to get back on Monday so I really hope this weekend flies by... *crosses fingers*

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