Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Car Seat Magic!

Do you see this magic?! I didn't think it was possible to get the seats looking that good, but damn! I'm sure if we got them steam vacuumed they'd be even better, but this was the cheap way :) At first I used this concoction: 

Ingredients and Items Needed:

1 cup Dawn blue dish soap
1 cup white vinegar
1 cup club soda
A heavy duty spray bottle
A scrub brush

First we vacuumed everything we could and got up anything that stuck to the seats. Then we added everything in the spray bottle. Make sure to shake it lightly to give it a good mix. Then spray the areas that need cleaning and let it sit for about 5-10 minutes. After the short wait I started to scrub in small circular motions and started seeing it work before my eyes. In the picture the results of that spray is the middle picture. It wasn't as perfect as I thought it would work according to pinterest so I was a little bummed BUT I had a new idea!
This stuff! I've always had this in the house for as long as I can remember it works GREAT on carpet stains and on any surface imaginable (except maybe wood... don't try that lol) But anyway after I had been disappointed with the results of 'pinterest magic' I walked in the house and started putting everything away and my eyes fell upon the spray and I figured why not.

For this I didn't let it sit too long mostly because it has a heavy smell and I was using it in a small space even though the doors were open I didn't want to end up light headed. Anyway, I sprayed each stubborn spot one at a time. I scrubbed them in the circular motion until the spots started "sudding" up then with a wash rag I wiped it away and WHOA freakin perfect! Well maybe not perfect but definitely closer to what the other mess did. That right there is how I got the after pictures. I'm pretty happy with the results and since that was Kenny's car he was pretty damn pleased too lol.

I'm not sure if the Mean Green spray could have done the job alone so I think next time I'm going to do the same thing and maybe just use the cleaner on the heavier spots. HOPEFULLY it will never get that bad again lol.

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