Monday, June 2, 2014

Gamers Unite!

So last night we got the kids after work and boy did they act like they hadn't seen us for years, they were just talking a mile a minute all the way home from their mothers house. Once we got them inside and gave them their new pajamas (which they loved!) the first things out of their mouths were "Can we play Mario? Plleeasssee" Lol! They literally started begging to play, granted we didn't need the begging haha because we are both 100% ok with them becoming little gamers. That's really how Kenny and I met. I used to be an Assistant Manager at Gamestop and he was one of my favorite regulars, I loved it when he would stop by <3

Anyway, a little off track with that haha. Of course I've got pictures to share but they'll be at the end. They're starting to get more and more used to the idea of staying over here now which is awesome and it makes me super happy. I've got some laundry and things to do around the house today so they left a bit early but they'll be here all week <3 So no big! On a different note, Kenny and I have decided to make Wednesdays our 'date day' Probably not every Wednesday though, maybe every other one ... but since we work on the weekends the only time we have is during the weeks and since Thursdays are our family fun nights Wednesday just seemed like a good day. Anywho, it's probably going to consist of lunch and a movie or a trip to Savannah or maybe bowling. Too bad we don't have an arcade around here anymore lol... that would be perfect! Either way... I'm already excited about it! Tomorrow we're doing lunch and a movie. We're not entirely sure what we are going to see yet... either Neighbors or Maleficent. Probably Neighbors since it has an earlier viewing plus we haven't seen a comedy in awhile. I'm excited!

Oh! And before I log off here, yesterday a guy from work in receiving who we don't even really know that well came up to us while we were walking to the outbound office and said "Sorry if I'm asking personal stuff, but y'all are a couple right?" and of course we said yes, then he said "I see ya'll are always working together, and you even sit together at lunch... ya'll are together outside of work too?" and we said yes and he said "see that's amazing right there, ya'll got a bomb ass relationship, you need to keep her and you need to keep him because that's good right there." Then there was some laughter and thank yous lol and he went back to what he was doing. I'm glad everyone else can see how happy we are. Hell, before we even started dating right when I started working there people already assumed we were dating and some even thought we were married. <3 Even now, random people have complimented our chemistry and assume we are married (we just go along with it lol)

What can I say? We got a bomb ass relationship

Picture Time!

Their new pajamas that Kenny and I picked out together
Last night, shortly after we got home <3
they started begging me to play lol... that's my gaming face ^_^
This morning after breakfast
Lol this was during breakfast, they were all over their Daddy. You could tell they really missed him

And this is them being easily entertained by magnets :)

Great day, hope you all have!

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