Thursday, April 24, 2014

Outside Adventures!

These are probably the cutest kids you'll ever see they definitely lucked out and got Kenny's side of the family with looks. They are the sweetest and craziest little munchkins ever alive lol. We took them to the park the week I got back on 4th shift and they had a blast! I didn't take too many pictures because my camera was about to die already my silly self forgot to charge it the night before. Anyway, we played on the jungle-gym, played on the swings (alot), played with a hula hoop, and then the bubbles happened. I remember when I was younger, my cousins and I would always play with bubbles at my Grandmas house but I don't remember being as excited as these two lol. I swear it's one of their favorite things to do. So now there is literally going to be a never ending supply of bubbles at this house =^-^=  Here are some more pictures:

my very sexy man <3

hehe his face is priceless!

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