Tuesday, April 29, 2014

New Things!

 That's my amazing family right there <3

So!!! It's been super busy lately lol, me and Kenny seem like we've been running all over the place! I'm not complaining though, I love spending time with him no matter what we're doing. Anywho, so first things first:

I am soooo excited about our bikes! We're getting the kids some this Christmas so we figured we needed them too and we wanted to exercise more instead of just running so this was a GREAT idea. I am so in love with it lol, now we just gotta get helmets... usually I wouldn't really worry about it but since we have to get the kids wearing theirs, it's only fair that we wear them too. Plus safety first!

Alright, second:
Kenny is one amazing man <3 This is my first smart phone (don't judge me) and I was totally against him getting me a phone at first because I kept saying I didn't need one. But then my phone started dropping calls, not sending or receiving texts, restarting when I opened my pictures... it was bad. Plus the phone was about 5 years old lol HELL it had its own built in Myspace button -_- it was time for an upgrade. And I SERIOUSLY am very grateful to have such an amazing man who would even offer <3 <3 So now I am all up on some Instagram (for the first time ever lol) and I have nifty little apps :3 I'm beyond excited. Eventually I'll make a button like my facebook, twitter, and pinterest ones for instagram :)

And last but not least... we're getting a pool! Yup, I don't have a picture of it yet haha but we put one on layaway today. It's nothing fancy or anything, but we live in GA and it gets HOT so we needed some water activity for us and the kiddos during the summer. I'm beyond excited about it all <3

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