Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Here I am!

Don't worry we are all still very much alive! I can't believe I haven't touched this blog in almost 4 months!! What can I say, life just kinda happened and we were busy in the Beauchamp hosue. We've had to make a few big changes around here, our middle got diagnosed with ADHD and schedules had to be twerked and a lot of research was done. Hell, we are still tuning up the schedule we made and trying to play around with what's best for him. It's taken up quite a bit of time but his behavior around the house has definitely improved... school is a hit or miss but we are being optimistic!
Other than that curve ball we've just been busy with alot of housework and family. I lost my Grandma a few days ago, we weren't too close since she was on my bio dads side but she was still an amazing woman and she went through so much. The memories I do have of her are all very positive and loving... she will be greatly missed but I'm happy she no longer has to suffer.
On a completely different note, I'm on a weight loss mission! I started birth control towards the end of last year and it has not been kind lol. Let me tell you. it is EXTREMELY hard to lose this weight! We changed the way we eat, there are no snacks or sweets in the house to get ahold of (except the nasty kind the kids like lol) and yet the pounds still went up. You guys! I didn't even eat more!! It's some crazy voodoo nonsense! I seem to be the only one who doesn't like the weight gain though lol Kenny loves it considering its all in my lower half. I just want my old body back and I will get it! Damn you birth control... damn you lol.
Maybe I'll keep in touch on here... maybe not but I hope everyone has a great week!


Monday, November 28, 2016

The Holidays Are Upon Us!

The holidays are here!!! Happy late Thanksgiving, our dinner went fantastic the kids loved having all their family there and they behaved really well. We made an amazing turkey chili with our leftovers and with a few tweaks I think it will be a traditional leftover. Our family picture was a HUGE success! They were so good and cooperated so well with the photographer. I'll be honest I was a little disappointed about the amount you have to spend for more than just one pose but now that I've thought about it... I can just do other photos myself and use this main one for Christmas cards *happy dance* I am so happy with how well it turned out. We are so beautiful!
Let's see, what else? OH we've decided on everything we are getting the kids and what Santa will be bringing. I get so excited around this time of year maybe even more excited than the kids lol. We've already started planning our Christmas break with the kids too and I've even made a list for Chase, our elf on the shelf AND with that list there is a smaller list of quick moves in case we have an oops moment at night and have to move him in the morning before they wake up haha. I am so on it this year!!
Oh yeah! On a totally different note, Zack had his first ER trip and scared me to death. His fever spiked while we were at work and we had to leave to meet him at the hospital. Turns out he had an ear infection, one in each ear! My poor baby!! He never even tugged at his ears or anything so there weren't really any signs at all. He's doing so much better now and is finally returning to his normal self. Welp, that's all for the update! Hope you all have an amazingly fantastic week!


Monday, November 7, 2016

Cleaning, Cleaning, and More Cleaning!

As you know, we are having our family over for Thanksgiving so we can enjoy our time with the kiddos. So I will be cleaning and organizing like a mad woman! I kid you not, I'm gonna be on my hands and knees scrubbing and wiping and you better believe I'm enlisting some help among the others in this house... they just don't know it yet haha. For real though, I get so stressed in clutter and chaos so you can imagine our house is already on the cleaner side of things. It's really just a deep cleaning and putting things in its place type of sweep through the house. Lucky for me, as you can see above, I have a board on Pinterest to help me out!

I'm pretty excited about all this though! It's going to be our first ever hosting of Thanksgiving and I actually plan on helping with the cooking! Lets hope I don't burn the house down or ruin the turkey. It's time like this though that I really wish we bought that dining table I've been eyeing for two years lol. There's always next year! For now we're gonna have to wing it with the seating, shoot if it's nice outside then who knows, we may end up in the back yard! Well, that's all for now, I thought I'd write a little while I had a free moment while everyone in the house was occupied with something lol. Have a great week everyone!
